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Data Visualization

Strategic Plan Member Evaluation Survey

As an intern at the Office of Strategy and Innovation, we're currently in a transitional phase, preparing for the next strategic plan. The focus of the office has been on making data-driven decisions regarding the format and structure of future initiatives. As part of this process, I had the privilege of joining interviews with strategic plan initiative team leads and administering surveys to their respective team members. These engagements served as touchpoints for gathering insights into the current landscape of the strategic plan and identifying key areas for refinement. Leveraging tools such as Jam boards, I visualized the survey data, grouped by themes, and was able to extract actionable insight statements to help inform the strategic planning process. This artifact is a few of the jam boards with my insights from the survey data. Each jam board had a different question as it's focus, grouped by different factors. Some of the questions included: why most members participated in the strategic plan, what challenges or opportunities they face, and what factors should be kept the same for the next plan. 

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